“Metapsychology” FAQ (Appendix)

Below you will find a group of "FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)" about the "'Metapsychology' Work" offered by Guhen Kitaoka. Click on the banner for each question to view the answer.

During the 20 years or so, in which Guhen Kitaoka lived in the West, he was formally trained by the most important four co-founders and co-developers of NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming), i.e., John Grinder, Richard Bandler, Judith DeLozier and Robert Dilts. After returning to Japan in 2001, he worked in the certification business industry until 2012. Since 2013, he has been offering private sessions as an "executive life coach".

On the basis of the past 20 years of experience, Guhen has been advocating "Metapsychology" as a 21st century psychology that can bridge the gap between the thinking patterns of Westerners, who have been successful in creating innovative giant enterprises with the "West Coast Culture" such as GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon), and those of Japanese. Metapsychology can be positioned as an evolved version of NLP.

In recent years, after a series of much trial and error in his own way, Guhen has discovered the "formula” ("transparentization") for how Westerners with the West Coast culture can always be positive, innovative and open to possibilities, and has packaged it as an exercise called "Peak Experience Work", which enables even Japanese people to acquire these thinking patterns in a short time.

Guhen has developed several other original techniques for the same purpose, and has come to name his work as a whole "Metapsychology". While those new techniques have been developed for Japanese people to emulate the innovativeness of the Westerners, they will turn out to be effective also to Western people, all the more because they enable them to become conscious of what they have been doing unconsciously.

One of the results of Guhen's work is that, after six individual sessions with a company owner, his company's annual turnover increased five-fold from 600K to 3 million US Dollars. Another client, Hiroki Yanai, has attended several individual session packages with him, and said to him, "I am grateful for the tools I have received from you, which are so interesting and constitute a toy box I will be able to play with for the rest of my life, or even after I die." He also said that the cost of attending the work, which was about 50K US Dollars, has increased his company's annual sales turnover to 1.5 million US Dollars, which is practically "a 30-fold return on investment".

"Innovation Modeling Consultancy" is the name for the services Guhen offers to his clients, as a Metapsychologist.

While Guhen has been offering a package of his private life coaching sessions, he also provides the R&D departments of innovation seeking companies, etc., with his "B2B consultancy services", in order to train the corporate staff members to perpetually and successively go beyond the series of "their own boxes", so that they may be able to come up with more and more new innovative ideas.

Guhen believes that no other life coaches can provide "Innovation Modeling Consultancy" services to their clients to the extent that he can, all the more because no other persons, whether they are Westerners or Japanese, could make explicit, and then close, the 60 year long gap between the mindset of the West Coast people, who have produced the founders of GAFA, etc., and that of Japanese people who have not been able to emulate their innovativeness.

If the reader of the present page finds himself or herself interested in Guhen's "Innovation Modeling Consultancy" services, then please contact us, so that we may be able to provide you with more information about these "B2B consultancy services".

At present, it has not yet become an official academic discipline.

Guhen has been advocating "Metapsychology" as an evolutionary version of NLP, which he has been researching, practising and assisting people with since 1988, but NLP itself, which was born on the West Coast in 1975, has not developed in an academic form.

Guhen intends to establish the "Metapsychology Institute (MPI)", which will be an interdisciplinary academic institute of various fields, including professional academics, and at the same time a think-tank-like organisation with a view to contributing to industry.

Since his return to Japan from the West in 2001, Guhen has been providing NLP work as a "clinical practitioner" for more than 20 years, and this practical trial and error has given him invaluable know-how in advocating "Metapsychology".

Metapsychology was created by Guhen himself, and he would like to make it a formal academic discipline in the future in some form, in order to make it appealing to the world at large.

There is a general dislike of NLP in Japan, where it has generally been regarded only as a business skill, as "malicious manipulation".

On the other hand, it is a historical fact that NLP was born on the West Coast in 1975 as a study of therapy, hypnosis, meditation and altered consciousness, based on Maslow's "Humanistic Psychology" that dominated in the 1960s, and in Guhen's personal opinion, the founders of GAFA must have been strongly influenced by NLP, either directly or indirectly.

Symbolic of the fact that this is not known in Japan is the fact that the source of Silicon Valley Culture is the West Coast Culture (so-called Hippie Culture), which is well known in the West, but almost no one in the IT industry in Japan, or no average Japanese person for that matter, seems to be aware of it.

In this context, Guhen has been advocating "Metapsychology", which can close the gap between the thinking patterns of Westerners from the West Coast Culture and Japanese, as a result of 20 years of trial and error since his return to Japan in 2001. He believes that it can be said that Metapsychology is an evolved version of NLP.

Guhen has had a vast number of hours of clinical experience and clients.

Guhen's clinical experience includes a seven-month course (1,700 hours) in "De-hypnotherapy" at the IMU (International Meditation University) in Oregon, USA, in the 80's; approximately 200 hours long experience of practical hypnotic techniques at the "School of Hypnosis and Advanced Psychotherapy (SHAP)" in London, UK, in 1988; the NLP certification courses (Practitioner, Master Practitioner and Trainers Training courses) delivered by the most important four NLP trainers from 1988 to 2001 (approx. 800 hours); teaching experience of NLP certification courses (approx. 4,300 hours) after returning to Japan in 2001; teaching experience of workshops (approx. 1,500 hours); approximately 900 hours of private session experience; and more than 400 Zoom private sessions (1,200 hours in total) over a period of three years since the break of the Covid 19 Pandemic at the beginning of 2020.

Simply calculated, Guhen's total clinical experience amounts to more than 10,000 hours - equivalent to 1,250 days at 8 hours a day.

Of the above clinical experience, it should be noted that the more than 2,000 demonstrations he gave to course participants in the teaching experience of the NLP certification courses (about 4,300 hours) that he started after returning to Japan are literally Guhen's "greatest clinical treasures", and more than 400 Zoom private sessions he has given over the past three years provided him with unique and precious opportunities to establish the know-how for offering online work.

Since the beginning of his NLP studies in 1988, when he was living in Europe, Guhen has been claiming that, if someone has already experienced astral projection and near-death experiences due to car accidents or illness, other supernatural phenomena, Shugendo-like practices including cold water ablution, fasting and thousand-day asceticism, meditation, hypnosis, drug intake, and other "means of inducing altered consciousness", and has seen "the yonder world" (the "other shore") himself or herself beyond the "Matrix" (in some cases it can be called "this shore", "the phenomenal world", etc.) which is usually thought to never be escapable, he or she can duplicate and re-experience that very state of mind in the phenomenal world, once he or she has come back there, by means of NLP techniques, without needing to resort to any specific means of doing so.

(One of the reasons why this astonishing thing is possible, is Guhen's own conviction (which intuitively seems quite plausible) that, for example, even a saint who has achieved complete enlightenment "secretes certain ratios of neurotransmitters" in his or her brain as long as he or she is alive and breathes, and that, therefore, other people can reproduce that mental state, by "artificially" secreting the same ratios of neurotransmitters as the mental state that the liberated person has achieved.)

However, even if there is validity to Guhen's claim, there is one major problem. That is:

"A person who has never experienced the other world (the other shore), and who has never 'left the phenomenal world (this shore)' in his or her life, has no 'frame of reference', so no matter how much NLP methodology is used, it is logically impossible to reproduce or re-experience the very experience of the other shore, just as a person who has never tasted a lemon cannot reproduce the taste of a lemon".

This is the proposition:

In this context, the background to the development of the "Metapsychology" advocated by Guhen has been greatly influenced by the teachings of various gurus, philosophers, epistemologists and self-help teachers, one of which is Robert Scheinfeld's method called "The Process". Guhen came to know about this method through an introduction at a workshop by an acquaintance, who said that Scheinfeld's methodology is a way out of the "Matrix" that is regarded as absolutely inescapable.

According to Scheinfeld's books, there are two worlds, namely, the "world of divine consciousness" ("Purusha" in Sanskrit) and the "phenomenal world" ("Prakriti" in Sanskrit), and that humans are born in pure divine consciousness, but in the process of growing up, their energy is continuously and gradually "sucked" by the phenomenal world. If, on the other hand, one continues to chant mantras to bring the energy back from the phenomenal world to the divine consciousness, the "holography-like" phenomenal world will eventually disappear and only the divine consciousness will remain in the end. This makes it possible to "escape from 'The Matrix', which is usually thought to be absolutely impossible to get out of" (this summary of The Process method is a subjective expression based on Guhen's understanding).

Influenced by this method of Scheinfeld's, Guhen has succeeded in developing "Peak Experience Work" and "RPG (Role Playing Game) Work", among others, which enable one to "train" oneself to perform simulation operations that take one out of the "phenomenal world" (i.e. "virtual reality"), to practice NLP techniques from the perspective of "divine consciousness" ("meta-consciousness"), in the place out of the phenomenal world, and then to return to the phenomenal world as the newly resourced self to cope with problems occurring in that world. These works thus make it possible for one to transform the world one thought was "real" into "virtual reality", and to manipulate that virtual reality as one wishes.

(Incidentally, the techniques Guhen has developed in relation to Metapsychology include:

"RPG Work", "Peak Experience Work", "Ataraxia Work". "Meta Meta Work", "Alice in the World of Mirror", "There is a Space between Stimulus and Reaction", "Mandala Fractal Reengineering (MFR)", "Giraffe à la Salvador Dali", "Archetypal Cleansing", "Dopamine Room", etc.)

Furthermore, Guhen has recently realised, in retrospect, that the RPG Work is a work to harmonise the trinity of "Body/Mind/Spirit".

In other words, this work is a "Body/Mind/Spirit Alignment" work in which "the self-consciousness (mind) that is normally buried in the phenomenal world (body)" is brought out of the phenomenal world, and the "meta-consciousness (spirit)" purifies that self-consciousness and then brings it back into the phenomenal world again. He personally has come to believe that this "RPG Work" may be possibly a Nobel Prize-winning-like methodological discovery, which no one has ever achieved before or since.

That being said, in the context of this FAQ, Guhen believes that the following conclusions can be drawn:

NLP cannot recreate the "other world" for those who have never actually seen it, while "Metapsychology" as an "evolved version of NLP" based on Guhen's originally developed techniques, including "RPG Work", will gradually eliminate the elements of the "phenomenal world", until finally only "pure divine consciousness" remains. It can thus lead even the practitioners of the techniques who have never actually seen the "other world" (those who have never tasted a lemon) to eventually experience the "other world" (taste the lemon)."

So the conclusion of this FAQ is that "Metapsychology can be a way out of the Matrix".

If the statements in this FAQ prove valid, then "Metapsychology" will turn out to be literally "psychology for enlightenment".

Guhen has long believed that what we usually think of as "reality" is only a "programming group" that we ourselves have established by the age of four.

In other words, humans are originally born as "pure divine consciousness" without a "programming group", but are gradually "humanised" (i.e., "programmed") by members of the family and society in order to lead an orderly social life, and are forced to establish a fixed programming group by around the age of four. This "fixed set of programming" is referred to as a "map of the world" in NLP.

This set of programming is almost entirely unconscious in adulthood, so people are usually not even aware that they are governed by it.

In order to know the existence of this programming group, you need to have "meta-cognitive abilities", and, with each technique of NLP and "Metapsychology" as an "evolved version of NLP", which can improve these abilities, you can "reverse-engineer" and eventually be able to disarm these programming groups. Therefore, it can be said that Guhen's work is "Deprogramming Work".

In this connection, Guhen has made an interesting video clip (in Japanese):


In this video, the closing of a Word window on a Windows operating system is demonstrated.

Normally, the first three closing methods are known, but not many people know how to close the window with the fourth. Guhen knew this closing method, because in the past, in the UK in the 1990s, he worked in the localisation translation business and translated Dreamweaver Version 2, which was the de facto standard software for HTML editors, among others, into Japanese.

Incidentally, in addition to the four ways of closing a window shown in the video clip, there are two more: "keyboard shortcut entry" and "force quit", making a total of six.

This video has two implications:

1) John Grinder, a co-founder of NLP, famously said: "At each 'choice point', when there is only one option, people are stuck, and when there are two, they are in a dilemma. When there are three options, if there is a dilemma between any one and another, they can 'exit' to the third option. For this reason, human beings become free, only when they have more than three options".

2) Guhen believes that by the age of four, every human being has probably created, through literally every possible trial and error, countless circuits of the neuronal system in the brain to achieve a particular outcome (e.g., "to panic"), as "backup circuits" of the "if one fails, there is always another move" type.

Thus, for example, if an NLP exercise enables one to overcome "conditioned reflexes" and solve "Unfinished Businesses" by creating a "space between stimulus and reaction", one will only have dealt with a straight pitch from the pitcher in front of one.

In reality, by the age of four, after countless trials and errors, one at that age (who is close to one's own "unconsciousness") comes to be able to throw many different types of curve, slider and sinker, and "mastering how to handle just one straight pitch" is no longer enough to deal with all types of pitches.

So, in a real sense, in order to be able to handle all the circuits of the neuronal system in the brain to achieve a certain outcome that you have established by the age of four, you will need to repeat self-application of NLP exercises more than a certain number of times.

After his return from the UK in 2001, Guhen noticed that many people in Japan thought that a single practice of NLP exercises could produce miracles, such as "Put electrodes in my head, and tomorrow I will be able to speak a foreign language as fluently as a robot".

These people seem to think that processing one straight pitch at a time is enough, but they don't realise that a certain amount of continuous self-application is necessary to be able to handle all types of pitches.

Also, when reverse-engineering and dissolving programming groups established by the age of four, in NLP and Metapsychology work, some people ask session givers (on whom they "project" primary and secondary school teachers) how exactly to do this, but in fact, it was actually the person himself or herself who established the programming groups that were fixed by the age of four in the first place. In fact, you are the only person in the world who knows how to specifically resolve that group of programming, because it is undeniably you. The session givers can only teach you how to resolve it, but you must follow those methods and resolve it yourself.

For this reason, the "expansion of self-identity" will not occur, nor will you be free, unless you continue the steady work of dissolving each "Unfinished Business" (unresolved problem).

Normally, the "steady resolution of each unfinished business" is a very hard routine work and it is easy to "quit after three days", but in Metapsychology, there are "Peak Experience Work", "RPG Work", etc., that enable you to continue this routine work with a sense of "euphoria".

Incidentally, the very paradoxical fact that geniuses are usually bound to be foolish enough to be able to repeat the same routine day after day forever is famously epitomized by the late Bruce Lee's maxim: "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times".

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