Company Info


Office Kitaoka Inc. 
CEO: Guhen Kitaoka

NLP Trainers Trainer 
Executive Life Coach 
Innovation Modeling Consultant 
NLP Integral Association, CEO 
Former Creativity Enhancement Ltd., CEO

Consciousness researcher for over 40 years. Experienced in Kundalini Awakening. The grave of his family in Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture, is right next to the former grave of Aikido founder, Morihei Ueshiba. (NLP is sometimes called “Mental Aikido”.)

While a student at Waseda University, he became interested in Freudian and Reichian psychoanalysis. In his bachelor’s thesis, written in French on Marcel Proust’s ‘In Search of Lost Time’, he expounded Proust’s ‘privileged moment’. This concept corresponds to the ‘anchoring’ of NLP. After graduating in 1981, he travelled to the Sahara Desert in North Africa, where he worked as a French interpreter for major companies for a total of three years.

A meditative desert experience in the Sahara Desert and a series of cultural anthropological encounters with the Arab world initiated his spiritual journey in search of a ‘higher self’ or, as Gregory Bateson calls it, a ‘larger mind’. From 1983, he became a spiritual seeker, involved in research into Eastern spirituality and Western communication psychology.

In the early 1980s, he attended a seven-month psychotherapy training course in Oregon, USA. During this course, he mastered almost all schools of Western psychotherapy.

He has studied and practised NLP in Europe and Japan for the past 30-odd years. He lived in London, UK, since 1985 until 2001, where he worked in business coaching and interpreting. Formally trained directly by the ‘Four most important trainers of NLP’ – John Grinder, Richard Bandler, Robert Dilts and Judith DeLozier – and holds the following certifications:

* NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner qualifications from Grinder DeLozier & Associates (GDA), Santa Cruz, California, USA (1988, 1989). 
* NLP Certified Trainer with the Bandler Organized NLP Association in Munich, Germany (1995). 
* NLPU Accredited Practitioner course at the NLP University with Diltz & DeLozier. There are 21 trainers worldwide who have received this accreditation (2002).

Since returning to Japan from the UK in 2001, he has been involved in the running of NLP certification courses, NLP workshops and executive life coaching. For several years, he has been researching ‘modern neuroscience’ and ‘adult development (teal organization)’, and has developed and offered integral work in the four areas, i.e., neuroscience, adult development, spirituality (integral yoga) and NLP, which had been the subject of his research for more than 30 years.

In particular, neuroscientists Gerald Edelman, Christoph Koch, Bernard Baars, Joseph Ledoux and Stanislas Dehaene, and adult developmentalists, James Mark Baldwin and Ken Wilber, have been recent research subjects of Guhen.

Note that Guhen has recently begun to use ‘Metapsychology’ as the designation that best defines his work. 

This name is particularly significant in two ways: 1) Facebook has recently changed its name to Meta, and 2) historically, at the time of its inception in 1975, NLP did not yet have an official name and was commonly known as ‘meta-psychology’ (or ‘meta-method’).

Company Info

Company Name; 
Office Kitaoka Inc.

1-67-6-2F Yamato-cho, Nakano Ward, Tokyo, Japan 165-0034

5-34-14-203 Narita-Higashi, Asagaya, Suginami Ward, Tokyo, Japan 166-0015

Corporate Site 
Linked-In Introduction Page 
“Dialogues between a Metapsychologist & ChatGPT” 
Instagram Site

June 2009 
CEO: Guhen Kitaoka

Consulting, Seminars, Coaching, Counselling, Interpretation and Translation.

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